Magang Kerja PT Indosat

For those of you who are still in college and not working, Indosat provides an opportunity to learn and draw from experience in the field of entrepreneurship SALES postpaid products and Blackberry

In addition to incentives, the participants also had the opportunity earn internship certificate from INDOSAT if a proven record of achievement kerjayang good.

Male / Female
Have a willingness and interest in the field of sales / sales
Based in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas
Experience is not given priority

Kirimkan CV/ Biodata dan telepon yang dapat dihubungi ke:
Galeri Indosat, Jl. Suroto No.3 Kotabaru, Yogyakarta
Up. Anton, Divisi Direct Sales. Telp (0274) 2132156/ 085729197777
Email: [email protected]
aling lambat 17 Desember 2009 (peserta terbatas)

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